For version 2 Curie

Teahouse Finance
Teahouse’s concentrated LP strategy dynamically adjusts the LP ranges while hedge IL. Additional $OP and $PERP rewards from Perpetual Protocol boost the already-impressive APY

A power tool for LPs: backtest and simulate your positions, build profitable strategies

TWAP Based Perp Algo Executor
A simple algo executor for Perp V2. This uses simple strategies and serves as a template for developers to create their own strategies. Medium link here

Tradingview Strategy Integration
Free and self-hosted tool to integrate TradingView strategy alert to execute automated orders on Perpetual Protocol an easy setup for everyone. Here the Docs, Github and Youtube Walkthrough

Hummingbot Trading Connector
The Hummingbot trading connector supports all swap functionalities. Hummingbot connectors standardize trading logic and order types across different exchange types. All code related to each connector is housed in a folder located in the Hummingbot codebase.

Rust CLI
This tool is to provide a simple, fast and efficient way to interact with Perpetual Protocol contracts from your terminal. Github and Youtube Walkthrough are here.

Funding Rate Data
You can get the details on historical and live Perp Funding Rate through two sources: Telegram Bot and r72 site

Perp Terminal
The analytics hub for Perpetual Protocol traders

A pool manager for Perp v2 allowing you to add liquidity and analyse your maker positions with advanced stats

Defi Lab
A simulator for Perpetual Protocol LP's, the simulator helps quantify impermanent position and visualize liquidation thresholds. Further the app also provides back testing functionality.

This vault was built on Perp v2. It has been deprecated but users can view/fork the code. GitHub and Medium links are here

DeCommas Futures
DeCommas has launched an automated basis trading strategy built on top of Perp v2 "Curie". This basis delta-neutral vault allows users to automatically extract yield from positive funding rates. This vault is now deprecated

Diamon Protocol Perp Vault
This LP vault by Diamond Protocol maximizes fees by range selecting, minimizing IL by rebalancing and protecting users from aggressive price fluctuations.
There are vault and strategy contracts. The strategy contract is responsible for interacting with perp
Strategy: 0x5Db04Ad4aBd55F10Ed18cF435Af5BCFf0D6Dbb40
Vault Implementation: 0xD576bE0d3CC1c0184d1ea3F1778A4A9Dec523859
Vault Porxy: 0x9d58cE9D31F0253325EfBF2b03E14B72b4D69D64
Now Deprecated